Roma Ciampino – Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A.
15 Aprile 2016Andamento traffico aeroporti italiani 2016
12 Settembre 2016
Traffico Previsto: 2,3 mil. Pax /year
Cliente: Systra-Sotecni for Aeroporti di Puglia S.P.A.
Servizio: Preliminary design
Anno: 2016
Provide an overall upgrade and refurbishment design for the two runways 05-23 and 13-31, taxiways and design a new general aviation apronFocus
Preliminary design of all the aeronautical infrastructures including:
Aeronautical Obstacles Analysis
Runways thresholds and declared distances
Design of taxiways and aprons
Markings, signs and AGL
Pavement design
Preliminary cost estimates